About Me

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My name is Kimberly and I am in the Tourism Development & Management Program at Arizona State. This blog will detail the ups and downs & ins and outs of my internship experience over the next 14 weeks. I have been hired on as a Production Intern at MKG Productions in New York City and I'm excited to see where the time will take me!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New peeps in the office

As quickly as we saw the effects of this economy eat away at our company, we are now seeing significant improvements to our situation! We went from zero events on the calendar to 15+ confirmed events that we are all happily working on now. This fortunate turn of events has also caused us to bring on some of our freelancers (Teeter, Kyra & Alex) into the office full-time and it has brought back the fun & full feel to the office (yay!).
They are all very different so it was definitely a quick learning experience of how differently each one operates and how the interns had to adapt when working with each one, as we do with the other event coordinators in the office. We gained one that is a nit-picky, serious, but tries to be nice; another that is an over-excited, over-eccentric, over-explainer; the last, who is super-chill, super nice, always awesome and appreciative (she's obviously my favorite).
I have decided that each person that I work with is a lesson in themselves because every one of them is different, yet we have to learn how to work with them all.
So here's to lessons from the office!

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